If you or someone you know experiences same-sex attractions, the Church wants you to know that you are loved, that you are valued, that you are as much a part of the Church, as much to be considered children of God, as much redeemed by the blood of Christ as anyone else. And the grace and teaching and peace and mercy of God are here for you to help you live in a way that is consistent with your true identity, your true humanity.
Courage offers its participants a place to gather with others who experience same-sex attractions and who are committed to helping one another to live chaste lives marked by prayer, fellowship and mutual support. To watch a compelling video of a personal testimony on the Courage apostolate, click HERE.
The EnCourage apostolate consists of Catholics seeking guidance in understanding and supporting their loved ones who experience same-sex attractions.
If you would like to know more about Courage or Encourage, or would like to familiarize yourself with some of the tools and resources available, you can visit the national Courage website at https://couragerc.org/.
This linked pamphlet can be printed and given to someone who would benefit from being a part of the Courage or EnCourage community.
Please join in praying for Courage and Encourage, that through these ministries those in need of God’s mercy and goodness will know the love of Christ and His Church and will discover in Jesus what it means to be part of God’s family.
For information on meeting times and places for each group, please contact the following Chaplains: