Parish Finder | The Roman Catholic Diocese of Tulsa | Tulsa, OK

The Roman Catholic Diocese of Tulsa
      • ** No Parish Registration
        ** No Parish Registration
      • Blessed Sacrament Chapel-Oratory
        Blessed Sacrament Chapel-Oratory
        4 South Broadway, Coalgate, OK, 74538
        • Sat: 5:00 PM English English
        Chaplain Administrator: Very Rev. Jovita Okonkwo
        Email: [email protected]

        Administrative Assistant: Bill Avanzini
      • Christ the King Parish (Tulsa)
        Christ the King Parish (Tulsa)
        1520 S. Rockford Ave., Tulsa, OK, 74120
        P: (918) 584-4788 | F: (918) 584-0055
        • Sat: 5:00 PM English English
        • Sun: 8:00 AM English English 9:15 AM English English 11:15 AM English English 5:00 PM English English
        • TuF 8:15 AM English English 5:30 PM English English
        • Thu: 5:00 PM to 5:30 PM Fletcher Hall Confessionals
        • Sat: 3:30 PM to 4:30 PM Fletcher Hall Confessionals
        • TuTh 9:00 AM to 9:00 PM
        • Fri: 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM

        Pastor: Rev. Elkin González 
        Email: [email protected]

        Associate Pastor: Rev. Steven Ditzel, ext. 209
        Email: [email protected] 


        Bo Harrison
        Email: [email protected]

        Michael Loeffler
        Email: [email protected]

        John Sommer, ext. 206
        Email: [email protected]

        Dean Wersal, ext. 204
        Email: [email protected]

        Joe Yosten
        Email: [email protected] 

        Sacramentals & Logistics Coordinator: Sara Say, ext. 200
        Email: [email protected]

        RCIA: Deacon Dean Wersal, ext. 204

        Parish Manager: Deacon John Sommer, ext. 206

        Music Director: Tom Starnes, ext. 203
        Email: [email protected]

        Communications DIrector: Lacy Wulfers, ext. 208
        Email: [email protected]

        Family Ministry Coordinator: Sarah Seck, ext. 210
        Email: [email protected]

        Mission & Faith Formation: Caitlyn Gonya, ext. 220
        Email: [email protected]

        Youth Ministry Coordinator: John Labosky
        Email: [email protected]

        Operations Manager: Chris Davenport, ext. 207
        Email: [email protected] 

        Principal of Marquette Catholic School
        Jay Luetkemeyer
        Email: [email protected]

      • Church of Saint Benedict (Broken Arrow)
        Broken Arrow
        Church of Saint Benedict (Broken Arrow)
        2200 W. Ithica St., Broken Arrow, OK, 74012-7455
        (918) 455-4451
        • Sat: 5:00 PM English English
        • Sun: 9:00 AM English English 12:00 PM English English 5:00 PM English English
        • TuF 8:30 AM English English
        • Fri: 6:30 AM English English
        • 1st Sat: 8:30 AM English English
        • Sun: 8:30 AM to 8:50 PM 11:30 AM to 11:50 AM 4:30 PM to 4:50 PM
        • Tue: 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM
        • Wed: 5:00 PM to 6:00 PM
        • Sat: 3:30 PM to 4:45 PM
        • Perpetual

        Pastor: Very Rev. Bryan V. Brooks, Vicar for Priests
        Email: [email protected]

        Associate Pastor: Rev. Gabriel Garcia
        Email: [email protected]


        Gary Beam
        Email: [email protected] 

        Richard Berberet
        Email: [email protected]

        Dan Brennan
        Email: [email protected]

        Dave Johnson
        Email: [email protected]

        Robert Owens
        Email: [email protected] 

        Rick Stookey
        Email: [email protected]

        Parish Secretary/Bookkeeper: Terri Buynak, ext. 221
        Email: [email protected]

        Religious Ed Coordinator: Lisa Remmert, ext. 226

         Religious Ed Secretary: Teresa Sweedyk, ext. 222

        Adult Ed/RCIA: Viviana Suarez, ext. 223

        Youth Director: Deborah Malcom, ext. 230

        Receptionist: Karen McCollum, ext. 234

        Music Director: Joe Fincher

        Parish Nurse: Jeanne Draughon, RN, ext. 229

        Communications: Bella Westlock, ext. 237

        Preschool Director: Diana Phillips, ext. 227
        email: [email protected] 

      • Church of Saint Mary (Tulsa)
        Church of Saint Mary (Tulsa)
        1347 E. 49th Place, Tulsa, OK, 74105
        P: (918) 749-1423 | F: (918) 747-9532
        • Sat: 5:00 PM English English
        • Sun: 8:00 AM English English 10:30 AM English English 5:00 PM English English (*6 pm during summer months)
        • MF 6:30 AM English English
        • TuF 9:00 AM English English
        • Sat: 8:00 AM English English
        • Sun: 9:15 AM to 9:45 AM
        • Wed: 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM
        • Sat: 4:00 PM to 4:45 PM
        • Wed: 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM

        Pastor: Rev. Stuart Crevcoure, ext. 103
        Email[email protected] 

        Assoc. Pastor: Rev. Vince Fernandez
        Email[email protected]

        Pastor Emeritus: Rev. Msgr. Dennis C. Dorney,  ext. 104 
        Email: [email protected]


        Richard Bender
        Email: [email protected]

        Gary Gamino
        Email: [email protected]

        Kevin Maloney
        Email: [email protected]

        School of Saint Mary Principal
        Suzanne Nelson
        Email: [email protected]

        Business Admin: Jennifer Wood, ext. 106
        Email: [email protected]

        Parish Secretary: Libby Bahlinger
        Email: [email protected]

        Bill Ciskowski, ext. 102
        Email: [email protected]

        Development Director: Julie Johnston, ext. 101
        Email: [email protected]

        Women's Ministry & Cert Secretary:
        Courtney Leonard, ext. 243
        Email: [email protected]

        Adult Faith Formation: Emily Kamp, ext. 135
        Email: [email protected]

        Outreach Ministry: Jackie Fusco, ext. 124
        Email: [email protected]

        Diversified Pastoral Ministry: Sharron Hanisch, ext. 134
        Email: [email protected]

        Music Director: Lyndon Meyer, ext. 120
        Email: [email protected]

        Music Associate: Karen Hiller, ext. 121
        Email: [email protected]

        Sacramental Preparation and Parish Life Coordinator: 
        Katie Svejkosky, ext. 119
        Email: [email protected]

        Evangelization Coordinator: Kelly Steichen, ext. 123
        Email: [email protected]

        AV/IT Technician & Facilities Manager: Alan Bryan, ext. 108
        Email: [email protected]

        Nursery Coordinator/VBS Director & Catechesis of the Good Shepherd Director: Christine Hassink, ext. 136
        Email: [email protected] 


      • Church of the Madalene (Tulsa)
        Church of the Madalene (Tulsa)
        3188 E. 22nd St., Tulsa, OK, 74114
        P: (918) 744-0023 | F: (918) 744-0024
        • Sat: 5:30 PM English English
        • Sun: 8:00 AM English English 10:00 AM English English
        • Tu ThSa 8:00 AM English English
        • Wed: 6:00 PM English English and Latin
        • Sun: 9:30 AM to 9:55 AM or by appointment
        • Wed: 5:00 PM to 6:00 PM or by appointment
        • Sat: 4:00 PM to 5:15 PM or by appointment
        • Fri: 5:00 PM to 6:00 PM

        Pastor: Very Rev. Desmond Okpogba, ext. 12 
        Email: [email protected]


        Nelson Sousa
        Email: [email protected]

        Kevin Stephenson
        Email: [email protected] 

        Youth Ministry: Ian & Bridget Riley
        Email: [email protected]

        Pastoral MInistry: Liz Poulter, ext. 105

        Religious Education: Becky Holder, ext. 104

        Business Manager: June Benton, ext. 101

        Facilities Manager: Paul Steiner, ext. 103


      • Church of the Resurrection (Tulsa)
        Church of the Resurrection (Tulsa)
        4804 S. Fulton Ave., Tulsa, OK, 74135
        P: (918) 663-1907 | F: (918) 663-2533
        • Sat: 5:00 PM English English
        • Sun: 9:30 AM English English 12:00 PM Spanish Español 5:00 PM Spanish Español
        • Tu W 7:00 PM Spanish Español
        • Th F 8:30 AM English English
        • Wed: 6:00 PM to 6:45 PM
        • Sat: 4:00 PM to 4:45 PM

        Pastor: Rev. Mike Knipe, ext. 111
        Email: [email protected]


        Peter Byrne
        Email: [email protected] 

        Pedro Munoz
        Email: [email protected] 

        James Scarpitti
        Email: [email protected] 

        Dir. of Lay Ministry: Maria Munoz, ext. 115
        Email: [email protected]

        Asst. Dir. of Lay Ministry: Sergio Chavez, ext. 130
        Email: [email protected]

        Parish Life & Religious Education: Gigi Chavez, ext. 120
        Email: [email protected] 

        RCIA: Lee McLain

        Music Director: James Crawford

        Office Manager: Debbi Schwacke, ext. 113
        Email: [email protected]

        Admin Assistant: Linda Purpura, ext. 110
        Email: [email protected]

      • Holy Cross Parish (Wagoner)
        Holy Cross Parish (Wagoner)
        708 SW 15th Street, Wagoner, OK, 74477
        Mailing: P.O. Box 710, Wagoner, OK, 74477-0710
        (539) 209.9988
        • Sat: 5:00 PM English English
        • Sun: 8:30 AM English English 10:30 AM English English 2nd & 4th Sundays Latin Rite/Extraordinary Form
        • M Tu F 8:30 AM English English
        • Tu F 5:00 PM English English
        • Sun: 8:00 AM to 8:30 AM
        • Sat: 4:30 PM to 5:00 PM
        • Fri: 5:30 PM to 6:30 PM

        Pastor:  Very Rev. Leonard Ahanotu
        Email: [email protected]

        Secretary: Earlyne Hutchens

        Youth & Religious Education: Mary Feichtinger 

      • Holy Family Cathedral (Tulsa)
        Holy Family Cathedral (Tulsa)
        820 S. Boulder, Tulsa, OK, 74119
        P: (918) 582-6247 | F: (918) 599-8334
        • Sat: 5:00 PM English English
        • Sun: 8:00 AM English English 10:00 AM English English 12:00 PM English English 5:00 PM English English
        • MF 12:05 PM English English
        • TuF 7:00 AM English English
        • Sat: 8:00 AM English English
        • Sat: 3:30 PM to 4:45 PM and 10 minutes before every Mass

        Pastor: Most Rev. David A. Konderla, Bishop of Tulsa
        Email: [email protected]

        Rector: Very Rev. Brian O'Brien
        Email: fr.[email protected] 

        Rector Emeritus: Msgr. Gregory A. Gier
        Email: [email protected]

        Associate Pastor:

        Rev. Joshua Votruba
        Email: [email protected]


        Jonathan Conro
        Email: [email protected]

        Harrison Garlick
        Email: [email protected] 

        Paul Louderback
        Email: [email protected] 

        Larry Schneider
        Email: [email protected]

        J. Thomas
         Email: [email protected]

         Accountant: Mary Keaney
         Email: [email protected]

         Operations Manager: Monica Conro
         Email: [email protected]

         Communication Manager: Mike Malcom

         Marriage Coordinator: Sherri Young
         Email: [email protected]

         Music Director: Ernest R. Neal, MM
         Email: [email protected]

        Office Manager: Jennifer Merle
        Email: [email protected] 

      • Holy Ghost Parish (Vinita)
        Holy Ghost Parish (Vinita)
        120 W. Sequoyah Ave., Vinita, OK, 74301
        (918) 256-2281
        • Sun: 10:00 AM English English
        • Tue: 9:30 AM English English @ Heartsworth Nursing Center
        • Wed: 6:00 PM English English
        • 1st Fri: 6:00 PM English English
        • Wed: 5:15 PM to 6:00 PM

        Pastor: Rev. M. E. Cashen
        Email: [email protected]

        Deacon: Anthony Hicks
        Email: [email protected]

        Youth & Religious Education: Stephen Miller

        Admin Assistant: Cindy Allen
        Email: [email protected]

      • Holy Rosary Parish (Hartshorne)
        Holy Rosary Parish (Hartshorne)
        912 Cherokee Ave., Hartshorne, OK, 74547
        Mailing: PO Box 389, Hartshorne, OK, 74547
        (918) 308-3312
        • Sat: 7:00 PM Spanish Español
        • Sun: 9:00 AM English English
        • Tue: 6:00 PM English English
        • WF 9:00 AM English English
        • Thu: 7:00 PM Spanish Español
        • Sun: 8:30 AM or by request
        • 1st Fri: 9:30 AM to 7:30 PM

        Pastor: Rev. Leonardo Medina
        Email: [email protected]

        Business Manager: Connie Ervin
        Email: [email protected]

        Religious Education: Marianne Akins
        Email: [email protected]

      • Immaculate Conception Parish (Hugo)
        Immaculate Conception Parish (Hugo)
        196 Bearden Springs Rd., Hugo, OK, 74743
        • Sat: 5:00 PM English English
        • Sun: 9:00 AM English English
        • Mon: 5:30 PM English English
        • Tu Th 12:00 PM English English
        • F Sa 9:00 AM English English
        • Sun: 9:30 AM to 10:00 AM or by request

        Pastor: Rev. Todd Nance
        Email: [email protected]
        Religious Ed: Michele Frazier

        Music: Maria Blakely

        Parish Life: Maria Herron

      • Immaculate Conception Parish (Pawhuska)
        Immaculate Conception Parish (Pawhuska)
        1314 Lynn Ave., Pawhuska, OK, 74056
        (918) 287-1414
        • Sun: 9:00 AM English English
        • TuF 6:15 PM English English
        • Sun: 8:30 AM
        • TuF 5:30 PM to 6:15 PM
        • Tu W F 5:15 PM to 6:00 PM
        • Thu: 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM in the Chapel
        Pastor: Rev. Emmanuel Nduka
        Email: [email protected]

        Deacon: Robert Axsom
        Email: [email protected]
      • Immaculate Conception Parish (Poteau)
        Immaculate Conception Parish (Poteau)
        410 N. Bagwell St., Poteau, OK, 74953
        Mailing: PO Box 237, Poteau, OK, 74953-0237
        (918) 647-3475
        • Sat: 5:00 PM English English
        • Sun: 9:00 AM English English 11:00 AM Spanish Español
        • TuF 8:00 AM English English
        • Sun: 8:30 AM to 9:00 AM
        • Sat: 3:30 PM to 4:30 PM
        • 1st Fri: 12:00 AM 24 hour adoration in Chapel

        Pastor: Rev. Sean O'Brien
        Email: [email protected]

        Religious Ed, Music & Secretary: David Jones

        Bookkeeper: Ramona Hargrove

      • Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish (Dewey)
        Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish (Dewey)
        400 W. 9th St., Dewey, OK, 74029-2104
        (918) 534-3420
        • Sun: 11:00 AM English English
        • M W F 12:00 PM English English
        Pastor: Rev. Leonard H. Higgins
        Email: [email protected]

        Email: [email protected]

        Religious Education: Kim Roecker
        Email; [email protected]

        Music Director: Denise Jackson
        Email: [email protected]

        Youth: Dustin Ortiz

      • Our Lady of the Lake Parish (Mannford)
        Our Lady of the Lake Parish (Mannford)
        450 E. Cimarron, Mannford, OK, 74044
        Mailing: 204 E. 4th St., Sand Springs, OK, 74063-7905
        (918) 865.2360
        • Sun: 8:00 AM English English
        • Wed: 6:00 PM English English
        • Sun: 7:30 AM to 7:45 AM
        • Wed: 5:30 PM to 5:45 PM
        Pastor: Rev. Archie Fernandez
        Email: [email protected]

        Deacon: Todd Slezak
        Email: [email protected]
      • Parish of the Most Precious Blood (Tulsa)
        Parish of the Most Precious Blood (Tulsa)
        3029 S. 57th West Ave, Tulsa, OK, 74107
        • Sun: 8:30 AM Latin Latine Extraordinary Form (Low Mass) 10:30 AM Latin Latine Extraordinary Form (High Mass) 1:00 PM Latin Latine Extraordinary Form (Low Mass)
        • M F 12:00 PM English English
        • Tu Th 8:00 AM English English
        • Wed: 6:00 PM English English
        • Sat: 9:00 AM English English
        • Sun: 8:30 AM to 9:00 AM 10:30 AM to 11:00 AM
        • 1st Fri: 6:00 PM to 6:45 PM
        Pastor: Rev. Caleb Kick, FSSP
        Email: [email protected] 

        Parochial Vicar: RevElijah Mundattuchundayil, FSSP
        [email protected]
      • Sacred Heart Mission (Heavener)
        Sacred Heart Mission (Heavener)
        515 E. First St., Heavener, OK, 74937
        Mailing: PO Box 690240, Tulsa, Oklahoma, 74169
        • Sun: 12:00 PM Spanish Español
        • Wed: 7:00 PM Spanish Español
        • Wed: 6:40 PM or by appointment
        Pastoral Delegate: Rev. Leonardo Medina
        Email: [email protected]
      • Sacred Heart Parish (Fairfax)
        Sacred Heart Parish (Fairfax)
        333 S. 8th St., Fairfax, OK, 74637
        (918) 642-5053
        • Sun: 9:00 AM English English
        • Wed: 5:30 PM English English Adoration @ 4:30 pm
        • Thu: 9:00 AM English English
        Pastor: Rev. Louis Obirieze
        Email: [email protected] 
        Volunteer Coordinator of Faith Formation: Jeff Wilson
      • Sacred Heart Parish (Miami)
        Sacred Heart Parish (Miami)
        2515 N. Main, Miami, OK, 74354
        (918) 542-5281
        • Sat: 5:00 PM English English
        • Sun: 9:30 AM English English 12:00 PM Spanish Español 4:00 PM Spanish Español
        • Tu W 6:30 PM English English
        • Th F 12:10 PM English English
        • Sat: 9:00 AM English English
        • Sun: 9:00 AM to 9:15 AM 11:30 AM to 11:45 AM
        • Sat: 4:00 PM to 4:45 PM
        Pastor: Rev. Samuel Perez, JCL
        [email protected] 

        Religious Education: Cassey Langerot and Erica Angel
        Email: [email protected] 

        Finance: Debbie Jurgensmeyer
      • Sacred Heart Parish (Sapulpa)
        Sacred Heart Parish (Sapulpa)
        1777 E. Grayson Ave., Sapulpa, OK, 74066-4913
        (918) 224-0944
        • Sat: 5:30 PM English English
        • Sun: 8:00 AM Spanish Español 10:30 AM English English
        • Tu W F 9:00 AM English English
        • Thu: 5:30 PM English English
        • Sat: 4:30 PM to 5:15 PM or by appointment
        Pastor: Rev. Matthew LaChance
        Email: [email protected] 

        Carlos Moreno, Jr. 
        Email: [email protected] 

        Mark Pittman
        Email: [email protected] 

        Greg Stice
        Email: [email protected]

        Secretary: Jennifer Rumsey

        RCIA: Jeff and Jennifer Rumsey

        Religious Education: Jeff Everard

        Youth Ministry: ​Jeff Everard

        Music Director Virginia McCoy
      • Sacred Heart Parish (Skiatook)
        Sacred Heart Parish (Skiatook)
        109 W. 5th St., Skiatook, OK, 74070
        Mailing: PO Box 878, Skiatook, Oklahoma, 74070-0878
        (918) 396-1179
        • Sat: 5:00 PM English English
        • Sun: 9:00 AM English English
        • TuF 9:00 AM English English
        • Sat: 4:00 PM to 4:30 PM
        Pastor: Rev. Kenneth Iheanacho 
        Email: [email protected]

        Office Manager: Evon Martinez-Kaze

        Religious Education: Carol Thomas

        Youth Ministry: Patrick and Shellie Beard

        RCIA: Randy McGoffin

        Music Director: Jim Pardee
      • Sacred Heart Parish (Wilburton)
        Sacred Heart Parish (Wilburton)
        102 Center Point Rd., Wilburton, OK, 74578
        (918) 465-7675
        • Sun: 9:00 AM English English
        • Wed: 5:30 PM English English
        Pastor: Rev. Bryan Ketterer
        Email: [email protected]

      • San Juan Diego Mission (Stilwell)
        San Juan Diego Mission (Stilwell)
        23 W. Division Street, Stilwell, OK, 74960
        Mailing: c/o St. Brigid Parish 807 Crafton St., Tahlequah, Oklahoma, 74464
        • Sun: 8:30 AM Spanish Español
        Pastoral Delegate: Rev. David Medina
        Email: [email protected]
      • St. Agnes Parish (Antlers)
        St. Agnes Parish (Antlers)
        501 East Main, Antlers, OK, 74523
        Mailing: c/o Immaculate Conception Church PO Box 99, Hugo, OK, 74743
        • Sun: 11:00 AM English English
        • Wed: 9:00 AM English English
        • Sun: 10:45 AM

        Pastor: Rev. Todd Nance
        Email: [email protected]

        Music Director: Mary Jo Akard

        Parish Life: Carolyn Single and Joyce Brooks


      • St. Ann Parish (Shidler)
        St. Ann Parish (Shidler)
        Gypsy and Taylor Streets, Shidler, OK, 74652
        Mailing: c/o Immaculate Conception Parish 1314 Lynn Ave., Pawhuska, OK, 74056
        • Sat: 5:30 PM English English
        Pastor:  Rev. Emmanuel Nduka
        Email: [email protected]

        Deacon: Robert Axsom
        Email: [email protected]
      • St. Ann Parish (Welch)
        St. Ann Parish (Welch)
        450 S. Jefferson St., Welch, OK, 74369
        Mailing: PO Box 25, Welch, OK, 74369-0025
        (918) 788-3771
        • Sun: 8:00 AM English English
        • Tue: 6:30 PM to 7:00 PM
        Pastor:  Rev. Samuel Perez
        Email: [email protected] 

        Deacon: Anthony Hicks
        Email: [email protected]
      • St. Anne Parish (Broken Arrow)
        Broken Arrow
        St. Anne Parish (Broken Arrow)
        301 S. 9th St., Broken Arrow, OK, 74012
        (918) 251-4000
        • Sat: 5:00 PM English English
        • Sun: 9:00 AM English English 11:30 AM English English 5:00 PM English English
        • Tu ThSa 8:00 AM English English
        • Wed: 5:30 PM English English
        • Sun: 8:30 AM to 8:50 AM
        • Wed: 12:00 PM to 12:45 PM 6:00 PM to 6:45 PM
        • Sat: 4:00 PM to 4:45 PM
        • MF 9:00 AM to 9:00 PM

        Pastor: Rev. Matt Gerlach, ext. 1007
        Email: [email protected]

        Assoc. Pastor: Rev. Daniel Gormley, ext. 1006
        Email: [email protected]

        Steve Creed
        Email: [email protected] 

        John Mahon
        Email: [email protected] 

        Kevin Malarkey, ext. 1008
        Email: [email protected]

        Thomas Moyes
        Email: [email protected]

        Director of Parish Operations, Parish Records: 
        Laura Jones, ext. 1003
        Email: [email protected]

        Director of Faith formation & Education: 
        Deacon Kevin Malarkey, ext. 1008
        Email: [email protected] 

        Director of Finance: Cyndi Webb, ext. 1001
        Email: [email protected]

        Childcare Coordinator/Children's Day Out: 
        Hilary Evans
        Email: [email protected]

        Family Faith Formation: Victoria Harvey, ext. 1650
        Email: [email protected] 

        Youth Formation: Brianna Klopp, ext. 1650
        Email: [email protected]

        Communications Coordinator: Sarah Swart, ext. 1002
        Email: [email protected] 

        Admin Assistant: Jacquelyn Bassett. ext. 1004
        Email: [email protected]

        Facilities Coordinator: Jose Murillo

        Music & Choir Director: Jon Grigson
        Email: [email protected]

        Contemporary Music Director: Dante Schmitz
        Email: [email protected]


      • St. Anthony of Padua Parish (Okmulgee)
        St. Anthony of Padua Parish (Okmulgee)
        515 S. Morton Ave., Okmulgee, OK, 74447
        Mailing: PO Box 698, Okmulgee, OK, 74447-0698
        (918) 756-4385
        • Sat: 5:00 PM English English
        • Sun: 11:00 AM English English
        • Tue: 5:15 PM English English
        • W F 7:30 AM English English
        • Sat: 4:00 PM to 4:30 PM or by appointment
        Pastor: Rev. Kenneth Harder, JCL
        Email: s[email protected]

        Bradley Moen
        Email: [email protected] 

        Youth Ministry: Sarah Arnold
        Email: [email protected]

        Youth CREL: Paula Moen
        Email: [email protected]

        Adult Faith Formation: Ramona Vogt
        Email: [email protected]

        Other: Brian Thomason
        Email: [email protected]

        Office Manager
        Theresa Thomason
      • St. Augustine Parish (Tulsa)
        St. Augustine Parish (Tulsa)
        1728 E. Apache St., Tulsa, OK, 74110
        • Sun: 10:30 AM English English 12:30 PM Spanish Español
        • Tu Th 9:00 AM English English

        Pastor: Rev. Celestine Obidiegwu
        Email: [email protected]

        Deacon Steve Litwack 918.747.0574
        Email: [email protected]

        Secretary: Liz Brown, 918.587.2965
        Email: [email protected]
        Email: [email protected]

        Religious Education: Anne Hurd

      • St. Bernard of Clairvaux Parish (Tulsa)
        St. Bernard of Clairvaux Parish (Tulsa)
        4001 E. 101st St. South, Tulsa, OK, 74137
        P: (918) 299-9406 | F: (918) 299-7796
        • Sat: 5:00 PM English English
        • Sun: 8:30 AM English English 11:15 AM English English 5:00 PM English English
        • MSa 8:30 AM English English
        • Sun: 8:00 AM to 8:30 AM 10:45 AM to 11:15 AM 4:30 PM to 5:00 PM
        • Sat: 3:30 PM to 5:00 PM

        Pastor: Very Rev. Jack Gleason, ext. 204
        Email: [email protected] 

        Associate Pastor: Rev. Shane Hewson
        Email: [email protected]


        Richard Campbell
        Email: [email protected]

        Pius Devasahayam
        Email: [email protected]

        Vincent Greuel
        Email: [email protected] 

        Robert Martin
        Email: [email protected]

        Alan Mikell
        Email: [email protected] 

        Tim Sullivan
        Email: [email protected]

        Religious Education: Sharon Lechtenberg, ext. 210
        Email: [email protected]

        Youth & Youth Adults: Kelly Roselle
        Email: [email protected]

        Religious Ed Secretary: Erin Clifton
        Email: [email protected]

        Youth & Young Adult Ministry:  Mary Poston
        Email: [email protected]

        Music Director: Monica Stephenson

        Email: [email protected]  

        OCIA & Evangelization: Dcn. Tim Sullivan, ext. 202

        Preschool Director: Tara Sudler
        Email: [email protected]

        Marriage & Family Life Director: Dr. Christine Miller
        Email: [email protected] 

        Parish Life Director: Hannah Schilling
        Email: [email protected]

        Business & Facilities: Mike Ellingson
        Email: [email protected]

      • St. Brigid Parish & Catholic Student Center (Tahlequah)
        St. Brigid Parish & Catholic Student Center (Tahlequah)
        807 Crafton St., Tahlequah, OK, 74464-7100
        (918) 456-8388
        • Sat: 5:00 PM English English
        • Sun: 10:30 AM English English 12:30 PM Spanish Español
        • Tu W 5:30 PM English English
        • Wed: 7:00 PM Spanish Español
        • Thu: 12:15 PM English English
        • Fri: 8:15 AM English English
        • Wed: 6:00 PM to 6:30 PM
        • Sat: 4:00 PM to 4:30 PM
        • Wed: 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM
        • 1st Fri: 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
        Pastor: David Medina
        Email: [email protected]
         Joseph Faulds
         Email: [email protected]
         Mark Keeley
         Email: [email protected]
         Religious Education: Carolina Landaverde
         Youth Ministry: Ana Marcela Brixey
         RCIA: Stephen Hamby
         Business Manager:  Heather Owen-Short
         Email: [email protected]
         Music Director: Sandy Linde



      • St. Catherine of Alexandria Parish (Tulsa)
        St. Catherine of Alexandria Parish (Tulsa)
        4532 S. 25th W. Ave., Tulsa, OK, 74107-6635
        P: (918) 446-8124 | F: (918) 447-3780
        • Sat: 5:00 PM English English
        • Sun: 8:00 AM English English 11:00 AM Other Zomi
        • Tu Th F 8:15 AM English English
        • Wed: 8:00 AM Other Zomi (only during school year)
        • Sat: 8:30 AM Other Zomi
        • Sun: 7:30 AM to 8:00 AM
        • Sat: 3:30 PM to 4:45 PM
        • Sat: 3:30 PM to 4:30 PM

        Pastor: Fr. Robert Kim
        Email: fr[email protected] 

        Associate Pastor: Fr. Hrudaya Raj Gade
        Email: [email protected] 

        David Hamel
        Email: [email protected] 

        Office Mgr: Amy Zvacek, ext. 101
        Email: [email protected]

        School Prinicpal: Michelle Anthamatten, ext. 105
        Email: [email protected]
        School Office Manager: Suzy Hayes, ext. 104
        Email: [email protected]

        Social Media Coorindator: Brittany Gomez
        Email: [email protected]

      • St. Catherine of Siena Parish (Talihina)
        St. Catherine of Siena Parish (Talihina)
        501 2nd Street, Talihina, OK, 74571
        Mailing: PO Box 362, Talihina, OK, 74571
        (918) 465-7675
        • Sun: 11:30 AM English English
        • Tu Th 5:30 PM English English

        Pastor: Rev.Bryan Ketterer
        Email: f[email protected]

      • St. Catherine Parish (Nowata)
        St. Catherine Parish (Nowata)
        217 W. Modoc, Nowata, OK, 74048
        Mailing: PO Box 804, Nowata, OK, 74048-0804
        (918) 273.0737
        • Sun: 8:00 AM English English
        • Tu Th 12:00 PM English English
        Pastor: Rev. Leonard H. Higgins
        Email: [email protected]
        Religious Education: Chris Ann Trusedell
        Music Director: Connie Tallman
      • St. Cecilia Parish (Claremore)
        St. Cecilia Parish (Claremore)
        1304 N. Dorothy, Claremore, OK, 74017-4405
        P: (918) 341-2343 | F: (918) 343-2893
        • Sat: 5:00 PM English English
        • Sun: 8:30 AM English English 11:00 AM English English
        • TuF 8:15 AM English English
        • Sat: 4:00 PM to 4:45 PM
        Pastor: Rev. Sylvanus Amaobi
        Email: [email protected]

        Deacon: Michael Hopper, OFS
        Email: [email protected]

        Pastoral Minister: Carol Isaacs
        Email: [email protected] 

        Youth Director: Ashton Hudec

        Religious Education Secretary: Dawn Seat
        Email: [email protected]

        Music Director: Virginia Arms
        Email: [email protected]

        Parish Secretary: Karen Westwood
        Email: [email protected]
      • St. Clement Parish (Bixby)
        St. Clement Parish (Bixby)
        15501 S. Memorial, Bixby, OK, 74008
        P: (918) 366-3166 | F: (918) 366-3164
        • Sat: 5:00 PM English English
        • Sun: 8:00 AM English English 10:30 AM English English 12:00 PM Spanish Español
        • Tue: 12:00 PM English English
        • WF 8:30 AM English English
        • Thu: 6:30 PM English English
        • Sat: 4:00 PM to 4:45 PM or by appointment
        • Sun: 6:00 PM

        Pastor: Rev. Juan Grajeda
        Email: [email protected] 


        Neal Harton
        Email: [email protected]

        Bill Monteith, OFS
        Email: [email protected] 

        Religious Education: Molly Garrison
        Email: [email protected] 

        Youth: Ester Velazquez
        Email: [email protected] 

        Music Director: Bonnie Griffin
        Email: [email protected] 

        Office Manager & Hispanic Ministry: Enilda Reyes
        Email: [email protected] 


      • St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish (Spiro)
        St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish (Spiro)
        16526 US Highway 271, Spiro, OK, 74959
        (918) 647-3475
        • Sun: 1:00 PM English English
        • Sun: 12:30 PM or by appointment
        Pastor: Rev. Sean O'Brien
        Email: [email protected]

        Deacon: John Burns
        Email: [email protected]
      • St. Elizabeth Parish (Grove)
        St. Elizabeth Parish (Grove)
        1653 113th St. NW, Grove, OK, 74344-4504
        (918) 786-9312
        • Sat: 5:30 PM English English
        • Sun: 8:00 AM English English Only Mother's Day thru Labor Day 10:00 AM English English 12:30 PM Spanish Español
        • Wed: 5:30 PM English English
        • Th F 9:00 AM English English
        • Sun: 12:00 PM to 12:30 PM SPANISH
        • Wed: 5:00 PM to 5:30 PM
        • Sat: 4:45 PM to 5:15 PM
        • Wed: 4:30 PM to 5:30 PM
        Pastor: Rev. Valerian Gonsalves, ext. 2
        Email: [email protected]

        Shonna Fletcher, ext. 3
        Secretary & Religious Education:
        Email: [email protected]

        RCIA: Troy Tipton, Ex. 4
        Email: [email protected]

        Music Diretor: Annie Walser
      • St. Frances of Rome Parish (Langley)
        St. Frances of Rome Parish (Langley)
        13286 Oklahoma 28, Langley, OK, 74350
        Mailing: PO Box 267, Langley, OK, 74350-0267
        (918) 782-2248
        • Sat: 6:30 PM English English
        • Sun: 8:00 AM English English
        • Wed: 6:00 PM English English
        • Thu: 8:30 AM English English
        Pastor: Rev. Valentine Ndebilie 
        Email: [email protected]

        Parish Coordinator: Denise Wilson

        Religious Education: Maggie Smith and Catherine Music


      • St. Francis de Sales Parish (Idabel)
        St. Francis de Sales Parish (Idabel)
        13 SE Jefferson, Idabel, OK, 74745-4865
        P: (580) 286-3275 | F: (580) 286-3785
        • Sat: 6:00 PM English English
        • Sun: 9:30 AM English English 12:00 PM Spanish Español
        • Wed: 7:30 PM Spanish Español
        • W F 8:30 AM English English
        • Thu: 7:00 AM English English

        Pastor: Rev. Carlos Loaiza
        Email: [email protected] 
         Admin Assistant: Karina Howard
         Email: [email protected]
        Confessions: 30 minutes prior to each weekend Mass
        Thrift Store Hours: M-Sat 10 am to 2 pm

        Thrift Store Telephone: 580.286.2869

      • St. Francis Xavier Parish (Sallisaw)
        St. Francis Xavier Parish (Sallisaw)
        2110 N. Dogwood, Sallisaw, OK, 74955-1831
        (918) 775-6217
        • Sun: 9:00 AM English English
        • Tue: 9:00 AM English English @ Catholic Charities--Sallisaw
        • Wed: 5:00 PM English English
        • Fri: 10:00 AM English English
        Pastor: Rev. Jeffrey Polasek
        Email: [email protected]

        Religious Education: Erin Milteer

        Secretary: Georgia Cheze
      • St. Francis Xavier Parish (Stillwater)
        St. Francis Xavier Parish (Stillwater)
        711 N. Country Club Road, Stillwater, OK, 74075
        P: (405) 372-6886 | F: (405) 533.1728
        • Sat: 5:00 PM English English
        • Sun: 8:30 AM English English 11:15 AM English English 1:00 PM Spanish Español
        • TuF 12:10 PM English English
        • Tu Th 5:30 PM English English
        • Wed: 6:00 PM Spanish Español
        • Sat: 9:00 AM English English
        • TuF 11:30 AM to 12:00 PM
        • Wed: 5:00 PM to 5:45 PM
        • Sat: 9:45 AM to 11:00 AM
        Pastor: Rev. Lawrence Nwachukwu
        Email: [email protected] 

        Associate Pastor: Rev. Robert Healey
        Email: [email protected]


        Paul Govek
        Email: [email protected]

        Tom Cabeen
        Email: [email protected]

        Glenn Collum
        Email: [email protected]

        Director of Administration: Dcn. Randy Hern (OKC Diocese)
        Email: [email protected] 

        Finance & Benefits Admin: Leah Benjamin
        Email: [email protected] 

        Database Manager: Erin Johnson
        Email: [email protected] 

        Parish Office Assistant: Karen Bisges
        Email: [email protected] 

        Hispanic Outreach: Angela Vivar
        Email: [email protected] 

        Music Director: Matthew Cabeen
        Email: [email protected] 

        Preschool/ECDC Director: ​Claudia Ogrin
        ​Email: [email protected] 

        ECDC Assistant Director: Barbara Egan
        Email: [email protected] 

        Hospitality: Amanda Fiorazo
        Email: [email protected] 

        Youth Ministry: Kira Ziola
        Email: [email protected] 

        Wedding Coordinator: Lori Wieder
        [email protected] 

      • St. Francis Xavier Parish (Tulsa)
        St. Francis Xavier Parish (Tulsa)
        2434 East Admiral Boulevard, Tulsa, OK, 74110
        P: 918.592.6770 | F: 918.592.2208
        • Sun: 7:00 AM Spanish Español 9:00 AM English English 10:30 AM Spanish Español 12:00 PM Spanish Español 1:30 PM Spanish Español with American Sign Language 5:00 PM Spanish Español 7:00 PM English English
        • MSa 8:00 AM English English
        • TuF 7:00 PM Spanish Español
        • TuF 6:00 PM to 6:45 PM also during every Sunday Mass
        • MSa 8:00 AM to 8:00 PM Adoration Chapel, 2443 E. 1st Street

        Pastor: Rev. Elmer Rodriguez
        Email: [email protected]

        Associate Pastors:
        Rev. Juan Antonio Hernandez
        Email: [email protected]

        Rev. Ovidio Hernandez
        Email: [email protected] 

        Carlos Ambriz
        Email: [email protected]

        Director of Instituto Bilingue: Maria Inez Alcaraz

      • St. Henry Parish (Owasso)
        St. Henry Parish (Owasso)
        8500 N. Owasso Expressway, Owasso, OK, 74055-0181
        Mailing: PO Box 181, Owasso, OK, 74055-0181
        P: (918) 272-3710 | F: (918) 272-1966
        • Sat: 5:00 PM English English 7:00 PM Spanish Español
        • Sun: 7:30 AM Spanish Español 10:00 AM English English 5:00 PM English English
        • TuF 8:45 AM English English with Rosary on Tues at 9:20 am
        • Sat: 3:45 PM to 4:45 PM
        • Fri: 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM
        Pastor: Rev. Joshua Litwack, ext. 101
        Email: [email protected] 

        Associate Pastor: Rev. Bala Jayanna Yaddanapalli
        Email: [email protected]

        Myles McDonough
        Email: [email protected] 

        Jerry Rutherford
        Email: [email protected] 

        Business Manager: Denise Haffner, ext. 100
        Email: [email protected] 

        Family Faith Formation Secretary: Joan Atkinson, ext. 104
        Email: [email protected] 

        Ministries Coordinator/Bulletin: Laura Valdez, ext. 107
        Email: [email protected] 

        Music: Monica Martin
        Email: [email protected] 

        Sacraments: Embrey Pollet, ext. 301
        Email: [email protected] 
      • St. James Parish (Bartlesville)
        St. James Parish (Bartlesville)
        5500 Douglas Lane, Bartlesville, OK, 74006-5907
        Mailing: 5510 Douglas Lane
        P: (918) 335-0844 | F: (918) 335-0856
        • Sat: 5:30 PM English English
        • Sun: 9:30 AM English English
        • Tu ThSa 8:30 AM English English
        • Sat: 4:30 PM to 5:15 PM (or by appointment)
        • Tu ThSa 9:00 AM to 10:00 AM

        Pastor: Very Rev. John O'Neill
        Email: [email protected]

        Associate Pastor: Rev. David Carvajal
        Email: [email protected]

        Religious Education: Carey Auschwitz
        Email: [email protected]

        Music Director: Tamara Walker
        Email: [email protected]

        Youth DirectorBlythe Zielinski
        [email protected]

        Bulletin & Secretary: Mindy Freeman
        Email: [email protected]


      • St. John Before the Latin Gate Parish (Bartlesville)
        St. John Before the Latin Gate Parish (Bartlesville)
        715 S. Johnstone Ave., Bartlesville, OK, 74003
        P: (918) 336-4353 | F: (918) 336-4354
        • Sat: 5:00 PM English English
        • Sun: 8:00 AM English English 10:30 AM English English 1:30 PM Spanish Español
        • Tu Th 7:00 AM English English
        • Wed: 5:15 PM English English
        • Fri: 9:00 AM English English
        • Sun: 12:30 PM to 1:20 PM (Spanish) or by appointment
        • Sat: 4:00 PM to 4:45 PM or by appointment

        Pastor: Very Rev. John O"Neill
        Email: [email protected]

        Associate Pastor: Rev. David Carvajal
        Email: [email protected]


        Charlie Moomaw.  
        Email: [email protected] 

        Religious Education; Carey Auschwitz
        Email: [email protected]

        Business Manager: Dcn. Jerry Rutherford, ext. 101
        Email: [email protected]

        Youth Director: Blythe Zielinski
        Email: bartlesvillecatholicyo[email protected] 

        Secretary: Janice Hoss, ext. 100
        Email: [email protected]

        Bulletin Editor: Ritagail Burleson
        Email: [email protected]

        Hispanic Coordinator: Everardo Ramirez Aguinaga, ext. 104
        Email: [email protected]

        Music Director: Ashlee Elmore, ext. 107
        Email: [email protected]

        RCIA: Kim Barbour

      • St. John Parish (McAlester)
        St. John Parish (McAlester)
        300 E. Washington, McAlester, OK, 74501
        (918) 423-0810
        • Sat: 5:00 PM English English
        • Sun: 10:00 AM English English 12:00 PM Spanish Español
        • Tu F 5:30 PM English English
        • W Th 8:00 AM English English
        • Sun: 9:30 AM to 9:55 AM
        • Sat: 4:00 PM to 4:45 PM
        Pastor: Very Rev. Jovita Okonkwo
        Email: [email protected]

        Religious Education: Pam Pulchny
        RCIA: Kelly Drusen
        Parish Secretary: Debbie Osborne
        Coordinator Hispanic Apostolate: Jacqueline Craytan
        Bulletin Editor: John Wolf

        [email protected] 
      • St. John the Evangelist Parish (Cookson)
        St. John the Evangelist Parish (Cookson)
        32136 Highway 82, Cookson, OK, 74427
        Mailing: PO Box 4, Cookson, OK, 74427
        (918) 775-6217
        • Sat: 6:00 PM English English
        • Wed: 12:00 PM English English

        Pastor: Rev. Jeff Polasek
        Email: [email protected] 


      • St. John the Evangelist Parish (Pawnee)
        St. John the Evangelist Parish (Pawnee)
        Corner of 8th St. and Oak, Pawnee, OK, 74058
        Mailing: c/o Sts. Peter & Paul Parish PO Box 828, Cushing, OK, 74023
        (918) 225-0644
        • Sun: 1:00 PM English English
        • Tue: 5:00 PM English English
        • Wed: 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM

        Pastor: Rev. Desmond Ibeneme
        Email: [email protected]

      • St. John the Evangelist Student Center (Stillwater)
        St. John the Evangelist Student Center (Stillwater)
        201 N. Knoblock, Stillwater, OK, 74075-7510
        P: (405) 372-6408 | F: (405) 372-6409
        Please see for all Mass times during construction of the church. 
        Rev. Kerry Wakulich

        Email: [email protected]

        Finance: Blake Bostick
        Email: [email protected]

        Development: Brett Akins
        Email: [email protected]

        Development/Communications: Taylor Akins
        Email: [email protected]

        Asst. Campaign Manager: Lauren Lacy
        Email: [email protected]

        Campus Ministers: Holly Uribe
        Email: [email protected] 

        RCIA: Kimberly Williams
        Email: [email protected] 

        Catechesis: Chris Petrin
        Email: [email protected]

        Maintenance: Irene McKelvey


      • St. Joseph Parish (Bristow)
        St. Joseph Parish (Bristow)
        302 N. Elm St., Bristow, OK, 74010
        Mailing: PO Box 603, Bristow, OK, 74010-0603
        (918) 446.8124
        • Sun: 9:00 AM English English
        • Wed: 6:00 PM English English
        • Sun: 8:30 AM
        • Wed: 5:45 PM

        Pastor: Rev. Robert Kimpu
        Email: [email protected] 

        Associate Pastor: 
        Rev. Hrudaya Raj Gade
        Email: [email protected] 


        Tom Loney
        Email: [email protected]

        Office Manager: Marie Womack
        Email: [email protected]

      • St. Joseph Parish (Cleveland)
        St. Joseph Parish (Cleveland)
        205 South C Ave, Cleveland, Oklahoma, 74020
        Mailing: 333 S. 8th St., Fairfax, Oklahoma, 74637
        (918) 358-2333
        • Sun: 11:30 AM English English
        • Sun: 11:00 AM
        Rev. Louis Obirieze
        [email protected] 
      • St. Joseph Parish (Hominy)
        St. Joseph Parish (Hominy)
        421 South Pettit, Hominy, Oklahoma, 74035
        Mailing: 333 S. 8th Street, Fairfax, OK, 74637
        (918) 358-2333
        • Sun: 5:00 PM English English
        • Fri: 5:30 PM English English
        • Fri: 4:30 PM
        Pastor: Rev. Louis Obirieze
        Email: [email protected] 
      • St. Joseph Parish (Krebs)
        St. Joseph Parish (Krebs)
        290 N.W. Church Street, Krebs, OK, 74554
        Mailing: PO Box 621, Krebs, OK, 74554-0621
        P: (918) 423-6695 | F: (918) 426-4225
        • Sat: 5:30 PM English English
        • Sun: 10:30 AM English English
        • Tu F 5:30 PM English English
        • Thu: 12:00 PM English English
        • Sat: 4:30 PM to 5:15 PM or by appointment
        Pastor: Rev. Kingsley George-Obilonu
        Email: [email protected]

        Deacon: Bill Anderson
        Email: [email protected]

        Religious Education: Carey Fabrizio
        Adult Education: Deacon Bill Anderson
        Secretary: Rosemary Benedetto
        Choir Director: Michelle Rauniker
        Pastoral Ministry: Michelle Spurgeon
      • St. Joseph Parish (Muskogee)
        St. Joseph Parish (Muskogee)
        321 N. Virginia, Muskogee, OK, 74403
        Mailing: 301 N. Virginia, Muskogee, OK, 74403
        P: (918) 687-1351 | F: (918) 687-5541
        • Sat: 5:00 PM English English
        • Sun: 9:30 AM English English 9:30 AM Vietnamese Tiếng Việt 1st & 3rd Sundays in the chapel 12:00 PM Spanish Español
        • TuF 8:15 AM English English
        • Wed: 7:00 PM Spanish Español
        Pastor: Rev. Richard Cristler
        Email: fr. [email protected]

        Associate Pastor: Fr. Robert Dye
        Email: [email protected]


        Edwin E. Falleur
        Email: [email protected]

        Jose Guzman
        Email: [email protected]

        John Hale
        Email: [email protected]

        Carlos Moreno
        Email: [email protected]

        Religious Education & Muskogee Catholic Charities:
        Liliana Carbone
        Email:  [email protected]

        Hispanic Ministry: Deacon Carlos Moreno

        Parish Secretary: Jennifer Wiedel
        Email:  [email protected]

        Office Manager: Lucille Ferguson
        Email:  [email protected]

        Music Director: Shirley Flaska
        Email:  [email protected]

        Youth DIrector: Patty Allison
        Email:  [email protected]

      • St. Joseph Parish (Stigler)
        St. Joseph Parish (Stigler)
        1204 NW 7th St., Stigler, OK, 74462
        Mailing: PO Box 237, Poteau, OK, 74953-0237
        (918) 647-3475
        • Sun: 5:00 PM English English
        • Sun: 4:30 PM or by appointment
        Pastor: Rev. Sean O"Brien
        Email: [email protected]
        Religious Education: Sara Autry
      • St. Joseph Parish (Webbers Falls)
        Webbers Falls
        St. Joseph Parish (Webbers Falls)
        109 Smith St., Webbers Falls, OK, 74470
        Mailing: PO Box 53, Webbers Falls, OK, 74470
        • Sun: 11:30 AM English English
        • Tue: 6:00 PM English English

        Pastor: Rev. Jeff Polasek
        Email: [email protected] 


      • St. Joseph Vietnamese Parish (Tulsa)
        St. Joseph Vietnamese Parish (Tulsa)
        14905 E. 21st St. S., Tulsa, OK, 74134
        (918) 438-1380
        • Sat: 5:00 PM Vietnamese Tiếng Việt
        • Sun: 8:00 AM Vietnamese Tiếng Việt 10:00 AM Vietnamese Tiếng Việt
        • MF 4:30 PM Vietnamese Tiếng Việt
        • 1st Fri: 4:30 PM
        • 1st Sat: 4:30 PM

        Pastor: Rev. Dovan Nguyen
        Email: [email protected]

        Religious Education: Jessica Huong Tran

        Assistant: Sr. Teresa Bich Phuong Vuong, LHC

        Youth Director: Rose Hong Dinh

        Pastoral Ministry: Sr. Kim Anh Hoang, OP

        Music Director: Huong Dinh Tran

      • St. Jude Parish (Boswell)
        St. Jude Parish (Boswell)
        70 E. 11th Street, Boswell, OK, 74743
        Mailing: PO Box 99, Hugo, OK, 74743
        • Sun: 1:30 PM English English
        • Wed: 7:00 PM English English
        • Sun: 1:00 PM or by request

        Pastor: Rev. Todd Nance
        [email protected]

        Religious Education: Kathleen Eastwood

        Music & Adult Education: Bonnie Eastwood


      • St. Kateri Tekakwitha (Roland)
        St. Kateri Tekakwitha (Roland)
        110841 S. 4760 Road, Roland, OK, 74954
        Mailing: PO Box 17, Muldrow, OK, 74948
        • Sat: 7:30 PM English English
        • Thu: 9:00 AM English English
        Pastor: Rev. Jeff Polasek
        Email: [email protected] 
      • St. Mark Parish (Pryor)
        St. Mark Parish (Pryor)
        1507 S. Vann, Pryor, OK, 74361
        P: (918) 825-4186 | F: (918) 825-2338
        • Sat: 4:30 PM English English Vigil
        • Sun: 10:00 AM English English 1:00 PM Spanish Español
        • Tu W 8:15 AM English English
        Pastor: Rev. Valentine Ndebilie
        Email: [email protected]

        Youth & Religious Education: Katrina Ballou
        Email: [email protected]

        Family LIfe Coordinator: Shirley Keith

        Parish Secretary: Julie McCollough
      • St. Mary Parish (Barnsdall)
        St. Mary Parish (Barnsdall)
        204-298 W Chestnut Ave, Barnsdall, OK, 74002
        Mailing: 1314 Lynn Ave., Pawhuska, OK, 74056
        (918) 287-1414
        • Sun: 11:15 AM English English
        • Sun: 10:45 AM or by appointment

        Pastor: Rev. Emmanuel Nduka
        Email: [email protected]


      • St. Mary Parish (Drumright)
        St. Mary Parish (Drumright)
        Corner of Cimarron Ave & Wood St., Drumright, OK, 74030
        Mailing: PO Box 852, Cushing, OK, 74023
        (918) 225-0644
        • Sun: 8:00 AM English English
        • Fri: 8:00 AM English English
        • Tue: 9:30 AM

        Pastor: Rev. Desmond Ibeneme
        Email: [email protected]

      • St. Michael Parish (Henryetta)
        St. Michael Parish (Henryetta)
        1004 W. Gentry, Henryetta, OK, 74437
        Mailing: PO Box 148, Henryetta, OK, 74437-0148
        (918) 652-3445
        • Sun: 11:00 AM English English
        • TuF 9:00 AM English English

        Pastor: Rev. Robert Duck
        Email: [email protected]

        Religious Education & Youth: Angela Glover
        Music Director: Barbara Hill
        Bulletin: Carol Been

      • St. Monica Parish (Tulsa)
        St. Monica Parish (Tulsa)
        633 E. Marshall Place, Tulsa, OK, 74106
        P: (918) 587-2965 | F: (918) 582-0699
        • Sun: 8:30 AM English English
        • W F 9:00 AM English English
        • Sun: 8:00 AM to 8:30 AM or by appointment
        • W F 8:30 AM to 9:00 AM or by appointment
        • 1st Fri: 12:00 AM to 11:59 PM

        Pastor: Rev. Celestine Obidiegwu
        Email: [email protected]

        Deacon: Steve Litwack
        Email: [email protected]

        Secretary: Liz Brown
        Email: [email protected]
        Email: [email protected]

        Religious Education: Anne Hurd

      • St. Patrick Parish (Atoka)
        St. Patrick Parish (Atoka)
        2103 S. Mississippi Ave., Atoka, OK, 74525
        Mailing: 802 University Blvd., Durant, Oklahoma, 7470-3226
        (580) 924.1989
        • Sun: 8:30 AM English English
        • Fri: 12:00 PM English English
        • Sun: 7:00 AM to 8:30 AM Holy Hour, Morning Prayer, Confession & Benediction
        • Sun: 7:00 AM to 8:30 AM Holy Hour, Morning Prayer, Confession & Benediction

        Pastor: Rev. Carl Kerkemeyer
        Email: [email protected]

        Religious Education: Darla Moser

      • St. Patrick Parish (Sand Springs)
        Sand Springs
        St. Patrick Parish (Sand Springs)
        204 E. 4th St., Sand Springs, OK, 74063
        P: (918) 245-5840 | F: (918) 241-3100
        • Sat: 5:00 PM English English
        • Sun: 10:00 AM English English
        • Tu Th F 8:30 AM English English
        • Sat: 4:00 PM to 4:30 PM or by appointment)
        Pastor: Rev. Archie Fernandez
        Email: [email protected]

        Deacon: Todd Slezak
        Email: [email protected]

        Religious Education: Deacon Todd and April Slezak
        RCIA: Fr. Archie
        Office Manager: Julie Nichols
        Music Director: Bernadette Tarr
        Facilities: Zachary Brunner
      • St. Paul Parish (Eufaula)
        St. Paul Parish (Eufaula)
        502 S. 6th Street, Eufaula, OK, 74432
        Mailing: PO Box 943, Eufaula, OK, 74432
        (918) 689-7345
        • Sun: 8:30 AM English English
        • Wed: 9:00 AM English English
        • Wed: 9:30 AM to 10:30 AM 1st Wednesday of the Month
        Pastor: Rev. Kingsley George-Obilonu
        Email: [email protected]

        Pastoral Care: Cathy Boyer
        Office Manager/Music: Larry Boyer
        Religious Education: Tandi Efurd
      • St. Philip Neri University Parish
        St. Philip Neri University Parish
        440 S. Florence Ave., Tulsa, OK, 74104
        Mailing: 440 S. Florence Ave.
        (918) 599-0204
        • Sun: 11:00 AM English English 8:00 PM English English
        • Sun: 11:00 AM 7:30 PM
        • Wed: 8:00 PM
        Pastor: Rev. James Porter
        Email: [email protected]

        Faith Formation/Catechesis: Gerald Murphy
        Email: [email protected]

        Admin Assistant: ​Gail ​Hobbs
        Email: [email protected] 
      • St. Pius X Parish (Tulsa)
        St. Pius X Parish (Tulsa)
        1727 S. 75th E. Ave., Tulsa, OK, 74112
        P: (918) 622-4488 | F: (918) 622-1239
        • Sat: 5:00 PM English English 7:00 PM Spanish Español
        • Sun: 8:00 AM English English 10:30 AM English English 12:30 PM Spanish Español
        • TuF 8:30 AM English English
        • Wed: 6:00 PM English English
        • Thu: 7:00 PM Spanish Español
        • Thu: 6:00 PM to 6:45 PM Spanish
        • Sat: 4:00 PM to 4:45 PM

        Pastor: Rev. John Grant ext. 108
        Email: [email protected] 

        Associate Pastor: Rev. Leonardo Morales, ext. 107
        Email: [email protected] 


        Ernesto Fernandez
        Email: [email protected] 

        Craig Gunter
        Email: [email protected]

        Dan Pickett
        Email: [email protected] 

        Religious Education: Arlene Hausher, ext 102

        RCIA: Dcn. Craig Gunter

        Music Ministries: Karen Gingrich

        Business Office: 
        Diana Levine, CPA ext. 103

        Admin Assistant: Mary Smith, ext 100
        Email: [email protected]

        Bilingual Community Outreach: 
        Angela Lievano Hess, ext. 105

        Facilities: Mike Muehlberg

      • St. Stephen Parish (Holdenville)
        St. Stephen Parish (Holdenville)
        515 E. Highway St., Holdenville, OK, 74848
        • Sun: 8:00 AM English English
        • Tue: 6:00 PM English English
        • WF 8:30 AM English English

        Pastor: Rev. Robert Duck
        Email: [email protected]

        Religious Education: Jumper Ingram

        Parish Contact: Mike Comb

      • St. Teresa Parish (Okemah)
        St. Teresa Parish (Okemah)
        8th and Broadway, Okemah, OK, 74437
        Mailing: PO Box 148, Henryetta, OK, 74437
        (918) 652-3445
        • Sat: 6:00 PM English English
        Pastor: Rev. Robert Duck
         Email: [email protected]
         Emergency Contact: Druann Perrier
      • St. Therese of the Child Jesus - Maronite Rite (Tulsa)
        St. Therese of the Child Jesus - Maronite Rite (Tulsa)
        8315 S. 107 E. Ave, Tulsa, OK, 74133
        P: (918) 872-7400 | F: (918) 286-6619
        • Sun: 8:30 AM English English 11:00 AM Bilingual Bilingual
        • MF 5:30 PM English English
        • Sun: 8:00 AM 10:00 AM
        • Mon: 4:15 PM to 5:15 PM
        Pastor: Rev. Marwan Abi-Nader
        Email: [email protected]
      • St. Therese Parish (Collinsville)
        St. Therese Parish (Collinsville)
        1007 N 19th St, Collinsville, OK, 74021-0297
        P: (918) 371-2704 | F: (918) 371-3895
        • Sat: 5:00 PM English English
        • Sun: 8:00 AM English English 10:00 AM English English 12:00 PM Spanish Español
        • Wed: 6:00 PM English English
        • Thu: 9:00 AM English English
        • Fri: 9:00 AM Spanish Español
        • Wed: 6:30 PM to 7:00 PM
        • Thu: 9:30 AM to 10:00 AM
        • Fri: 9:30 AM to 10:00 AM Spanish 7:00 PM to 7:30 PM Spanish
        • Sat: 4:00 PM to 4:30 PM or by appointment
        • Thu: 9:30 AM immediately following Thurs 9 am Mass 9:30 AM to 8:00 PM Last Thursday of the month

        Pastor: Rev. Ernesto Calvillo
        Email: [email protected]

        Scot Kelley
        Email: [email protected]  
        Peter McLane
        Email: [email protected] 

        Office Assistant: Terry Brown
        Email: [email protected]

        Youth Ministry: Cinthya Franco-Pena
        Email: [email protected] 

        Children's Ministry: Estephanie Williams
        Email: [email protected] 

        Cemetery Manager: Peggy Briggs
        Email: [email protected]

      • St. Thomas More Parish (Tulsa)
        St. Thomas More Parish (Tulsa)
        2720 S. 129th E. Ave, Tulsa, OK, 74134
        P: (918) 437-0168 | F: (918) 437-0681
        • Sat: 5:00 PM English English 7:00 PM Spanish Español 8:30 PM Spanish Español
        • Sun: 7:00 AM Spanish Español 9:00 AM English English 11:00 AM Spanish Español 1:00 PM Spanish Español 3:00 PM Spanish Español 5:00 PM Spanish Español 7:00 PM Spanish Español
        • TuF 9:00 AM English English 7:00 PM Spanish Español
        • W Th 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM
        • Sat: 4:00 PM to 5:00 PM
        • Wed: 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM English
        • Thu: 6:30 PM to 7:30 PM Spanish

        Pastor: Rev. José Mariá Briones
        Email: [email protected]

        Associate Pastors:

        Rev. Daniel Campos
        Email: [email protected]

        Rev. Ismael Comayagua
        Email: [email protected]


        Augusto Pellacchia
        Email: [email protected]

        Isidro Saenz
        Email: [email protected]

        Deacon Kenneth Saveth
        Email: [email protected] 

        Religious Education: Sally Gonzalez
        Email: [email protected]
        Alex Arevalo
        Email: [email protected]

        Spanish Office Asst: Alex Arevalo

        Office Asst: Rhonda Homra

      • St. Vincent de Paul Parish (Coweta)
        St. Vincent de Paul Parish (Coweta)
        15842 S. 297th E. Ave., Coweta, OK, 74429
        Mailing: P.O. Box 597, Coweta, OK, 74429
        (918) 486-4757
        • Sat: 7:00 PM English English
        • Sun: 10:30 AM English English
        • 1st Sat: 6:00 PM English English followed by Adoration
        • Sat: 6:30 PM
        Pastor: Very Rev. Leonard Ahanotu
        Email: [email protected]

        Business Manager: Gretchen Soerries

        Religious Education/Youth/Secretary: Sarah Jameson
      • St. William Parish & Catholic Student Center (Durant)
        St. William Parish & Catholic Student Center (Durant)
        802 University Boulevard, Durant, OK, 74701
        (580) 924-1989
        • Sun: 11:30 AM English English 7:15 PM English English
        • Mon: 7:00 AM English English
        • Tue: 5:30 PM English English
        • Wed: 9:00 AM English English 5:00 PM Spanish Español
        • Thu: 12:00 PM English English followed by Holy Hour 7:00 PM Spanish Español 3rd Thursday of the monthly followed by Holy Hour
        • 1st Fri: 6:00 PM English English followed by Holy Hour
        • Sat: 10:00 AM English English
        • Sun: 10:15 AM to 11:30 AM Adoration, Morning Prayer, Confession and Benediction 6:00 PM to 7:15 PM SPANISH Holy Hour, Morning Prayer, Confession & Benediction
        • Sun: 10:15 AM to 11:30 AM Adoration, Morning Prayer, Confession and Benediction 6:00 PM to 7:15 PM SPANISH Holy Hour, Morning Prayer, Confession & Benediction
        Pastor: Rev. Carl Kerkemeyer
        Email: [email protected]
         Religious Education: Amy Ramos
         Music Director: Theresa Hrncir
      • Sts. Peter and Paul Parish (Cushing)
        Sts. Peter and Paul Parish (Cushing)
        405 E. Oak, Cushing, OK, 74023
        Mailing: PO Box 828, Cushing, OK, 74023
        P: (918) 225-0644 | F: (918) 225-6569
        • Sun: 10:00 AM English English
        • M W F 12:00 PM English English
        • Wed: 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM
        • Fri: 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM @ St. Leo Cemetery - 9th and Norfolk

        Pastor: Rev. Desmond Ibeneme
        Email: [email protected]

        Religious Education: Stacy Reeder
        Faith Formation/Youth Ministry: Ashley Joiner and Michelle Nugent
        Secretary: Barbara Karlin


      • Sts. Peter and Paul Parish (Tulsa)
        Sts. Peter and Paul Parish (Tulsa)
        1419 N. 67th E. Ave., Tulsa, OK, 74115-5602
        P: (918) 836-2596 | F: (918) 836-2597
        • Sat: 5:00 PM English English
        • Sun: 7:00 AM Spanish Español 9:00 AM English English 10:30 AM Latin Latine 1962 Roman Missal/EF 12:30 PM Spanish Español 6:00 PM Spanish Español
        • MSa 8:30 AM English English
        • TuF 8:30 AM English English 7:00 PM Spanish Español
        • Sun: 12:30 PM during Spanish Mass 6:00 PM during Spanish Mass
        • Thu: 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM
        • Sat: 4:30 PM to 5:00 PM

        Pastor: Rev. Sean Donovan
        Email: [email protected]

        Associate Pastor: Rev. Alessandro Calderoni
        Email: [email protected]

        Deacon:  Erick Bell
        Email: [email protected]

        Religious Education: Karen Campbell
        Youth: Sr. Hermana Marleny Robles, HDS
        Finance: Joe Howe
        Secretary: Yessica Ramirez
        Email: [email protected]

      • Uganda Martyrs Parish (Okmulgee)
        Uganda Martyrs Parish (Okmulgee)
        808 E. 3rd St., Okmulgee, OK, 74447
        Mailing: PO Box 698, Okmulgee, OK, 74447-0698
        (918) 756-4385
        • Sun: 8:30 AM English English
        • Thu: 7:30 AM English English
        • Sun: 8:00 AM to 8:20 AM or by appointment
        Pastor: Rev. Kenneth Harder, JCL
        Email: [email protected]