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The Youth Office exists to help youth ministries in the Diocese of Tulsa effectively evangelize the youth of our communities. Specifically, under the three goals of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) “Renewing the Vision”
Youth Office Vision
In our envisioned future for youth ministry in the Diocese of Tulsa, young people emerge as dynamic leaders in the evangelization of their peers, fueled by a deep passion for their faith. They are empowered to take ownership of their spiritual journey, with youth ministers, parents, and pastors serving as supportive guides rather than primary drivers. This future is marked by authentic community, peer-to-peer evangelization, holistic formation, and collaborative partnership, fostering a vibrant landscape where young leaders inspire their peers and transform their communities through the joyful proclamation of the Gospel.
Mission Statement
The Youth Office of the Diocese of Tulsa is dedicated to supporting and guiding youth ministers across our expansive mission diocese. Through training, coaching, and unwavering support, we equip youth ministers to challenge, engage, and nurture the next generation of disciples of Christ, aligning with Renewing the Vision's three goals. With unity in purpose, we work tirelessly to empower youth ministers and ignite a flame of faith that transforms hearts and enriches communities throughout our diocese.